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  • Writer's pictureKendall

Advice after 8 Years with FA

I was diagnosed with Friedreich's Ataxia 8 years ago today. 8 years ago today, the random symptoms I was experiencing were validated by an official title. My journey of advocating for myself came to a dramatic turning point.

So, what do I do now? I’m a 25-year-old newlywed who was handed a progressively degenerative (terminal) neurological disease diagnosis.

Well, you keep living life the best way you know how! You become a stay-at-home mom to two healthy, energetic, strong-willed, funny babies that remind you daily that life is precious and SO not all about you. You fiercely love your amazing, supportive, kind, hilarious, and generous husband to the best of your ability, and thank God daily for this partner in life. You love your friends and family and treat them like the treasures they are.

You learn to extend yourself copious amounts of grace… daily. You roll with the punches: adapt, adapt, adapt, then adapt again. You humbly and constantly depend on assistance. You graciously accept support, pity, curiosity, help, encouragement, ignorance, and kindness. You fail, fall, and break, then you get up and try again. You desperately rely on peace and strength from God every minute of every day.

You grow more than you ever thought possible. You laugh harder, cry harder, love harder, and pray harder than you ever thought possible. In short, you basically redefine your idea of "possible."

Life is a crazy, beautiful ride. Even with FA. So, you just keep on going.

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