On Team Kendall, our goal is to raise awareness about Friedreich’s Ataxia (FA). We aspire be a contributing partner on the journey to find a cure. All efforts made through or on behalf of Team Kendall wholly and directly benefit the Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance (FARA). FARA is an amazing non-profit organization dedicated to the pursuit of scientific research leading to treatments and a cure for FA.
FARA's mission is to marshal and focus the resources and relationships needed to cure FA by raising funds for research, promoting public awareness, and aligning scientists, patients, clinicians, government agencies, pharmaceutical companies and other organizations dedicated to curing FA and related diseases. Team Kendall has adopted this mission and is proud to support FARA.
Since its inception in 1998, FARA has raised millions of dollars for FA research. These funds have directly supported milestone achievements such as understanding the underlying cause of the disease and discovery of potential treatments. FARA’s challenge is to accelerate the evaluation of potential therapies and keep the research pipeline full of diverse treatments that slow, stop and reverse FA.
ride ataxia
rideATAXIA is a staple fundraiser for FARA. Initiated in 2007, rideATAXIA started as a passion project of my friend and fellow-FA patient, Kyle Bryant. Kyle redefined what was possible in his life when he took up recumbent cycling. After completing his first-century ride, he said, "I can't even walk down the street, but I rode 100 miles in a day. After that, the sky was the limit." Thus, rideATAXIA was born. It is a fun event that accommodates all cycling abilities and offers fully SAG-supported 6, 25, and 50-mile cycling events. It features regional weekend rides in six locations nationwide throughout the year. rideATAXIA welcomes over 2,000 participants nationwide and raises more than $1 million for FA research annually.
Team Kendall has participated in the Dallas location ride since 2014 and is very much looking forward to our next one! We have riders of all abilities doing every distance (6, 25, and 50 miles) and we would LOVE to have you join us! This event offers great food and great fun along with a friendly and encouraging atmosphere. Plus, Team Kendall has been one of the top fundraising teams every year, and we plan to keep our streak going! Come and be a part of the exciting race for a cure!
For more information about Team Kendall's ride, check out the blog. To donate, click here.