Meet Hank Harvey, the Great Dane!
We have big plans for this gentle giant. He is going to be trained as my Balance & Mobility Service Dog. The eventual goal is for him to replace my walker.
The idea is that my walker can only help me walk from Point A to Point B. It can’t compensate for my loss of balance mid-fall. It can’t help me off of the ground or out of chairs. It can’t come to me. But you know what can? A Service Dog!
Like I said- big plans. But my God is BIGGER and BETTER than anything I can imagine, so I am trusting Him with my newest companion / mobility aid.
Please join me in praying for Hank. Just the thought of having a companion to literally walk this Friedreich’s Ataxia journey with me fills me with such joyful HOPE!
Now, I’m going to go enjoy every puppy kiss and cuddle that I can

