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  • Writer's pictureKendall

The Power of Positivity

So many aspects of life are beyond our control. Add in a progressive degenerative genetic disease like Friedreich’s Ataxia, and you have even less control. We can’t control the weather, other humans, time, disease, accidents, or aging. The only thing we can control is our response. We can control our words and our actions. In times of adversity, conflict, joy, conflict, celebration, stress – we can control our conscious responses.

When negative things happen, it can be really difficult not to get into a negative headspace. When you’re in a negative headspace, it affects your words and actions. It’s seeps out and spreads- whether you intend on it or not.

Here are a few positive mantras, verses and pieces of advice I’ve gathered that help me get into a more positive place:

“Even while you wait for certain things to fall into place, may you never forget that you are still free to thrive in this space; making the most of little things, making room for brand new things, fully living with all you have, even in your in betweens.” – Morgan Harper Nicolas

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34

"He who knows no hardships will know no hardihood. He who faces no calamity will need no courage. Mysterious though it is, the characteristics in human nature which we love best grow in a soil with a strong mixture of troubles." Harry Emerson Fosdick

“Happiness can be found in even the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light” – Albus Dumbledore

“She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.” – Proverbs 31:25

“Be happy in the moment, that’s enough. Each moment is all we need, not more.” – Mother Teresa

“Rebellion against your handicaps gets you nowhere. Self-pity gets you nowhere. One must have the adventurous daring to accept oneself as a bundle of possibilities and undertake the most interesting game in the world - making the most of one's best.” – Harry Emerson Fosdick

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Philippians 4:8

“A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities and an optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties.” – Harry S. Truman

“You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” – A.A. Milne

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

“If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.” – Maya Angelou

“For the highs and lows and moments between, mountains and valleys, rivers and streams, for where you are now, and where you will go, for "I've always known" and "I told you so," for "nothing is happening," and "all has gone wrong," it is here on this journey you will learn to be strong. You will get where you're going, landing where you belong.” – Morgan Harper Nichols

“We must give thanks for this day, and every day, no matter how flawed. Bow your heads and give gratitude to God, have faith in him and in a better tomorrow.” – Father Rey in Beneath a Scarlet Sky by Mark Sullivan

“Perhaps this is the moment for which you have been created.” Esther 4:14

“Bitterness imprisons life, love releases it. Bitterness paralyzes life, love empowers it. Bitterness sours life, love sweetens it. Bitterness sickens life, love heals it. Bitterness blinds life, love anoints its eyes.” – Harry Emerson Fosdick

“I no longer walk through (life) terrified about the future, because that would be a waste of my limited time. I live my wonderful, rich life with the courage I never had until recently. Sometimes it takes darkness to see how we shine.” Jess in You Me Everything by Catherine Issac

“Come to me, all who are weary and heavily burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

“’What if I fall?’ Oh but my darling, what if you fly?” – Eric Hanson

“When you start to feel like things should have been better this year, remember the mountains and valleys that got you here. They are not accidents, and those moments weren't in vain. You are not the same. You have grown and you are growing. You are breathing, you are living, you are wrapped in endless, boundless grace. And things will get better. There is more to you than yesterday.” – Morgan Harper Nichols

““Do not be afraid. I have called you by name. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you. When you pass through the rivers, they will not flow over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned. The fire will not destroy you. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, Who saves you.” – Isaiah 43: 1-3

Then there are sayings that are said so often, the original “author” is unknown:

“Everything will be OK in the end. If it isn’t OK, then it isn’t the end.”

“There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy”

“Don’t ruin a good today because of a bad yesterday.”

“It’s OK not to be OK”

Not every mood or feeling can be willed away. Medical and professional help is certainly needed in many cases. There is no shame in that. Only YOU know how you feel- listen to yourself and get the help you need. I am a HUGE believer in therapy. You don’t have to walk alone.

I just wanted to provide some words of encouragement and remind you that you are loved and there is a purpose for you. Let’s keep spreading love and happiness because we could ALL use some more of that.

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