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  • Writer's pictureKendall

rideATAXIA 2017 Write-Up

Team Kendall's 4th annual rideATAXIA is in the books, and what a memorable one it was! Thank you to all of our MANY supporters for making this another great ride. We ended up as the 3rd highest fundraising team (with $20,155), and I was blessed enough to be the 2nd highest fundraising individual. Wow! Once again, I am so humbled by the love, generosity and support showered on Team Kendall!

I personally did not actually RIDE this year, seeing as how I am 7.5 months pregnant with my second baby, but we had great representation in the 50-, 25-, and 6-mile rides! The Dallas rideATAXIA event as a whole had over 600 riders and raised more than $145,000 for FA research! What a great turn out.

Once again, we had a phenomenal team of supporters, volunteers and sponsors at the ride. Outback Steakhouse was the main sponsor and provided the attendees with another fabulous meal! We are so grateful for their partnership in these events all over the US!

I wish I could find the proper words to explain the emotions I feel at the ride every year. It is so great to be in such an electric and supportive environment - it's easy to get caught up in the pep rally spirit! But seeing my friends with Friedreich's Ataxia every year at rideATAXIA always serves as a sobering reminder that we are doing this to fight for our lives. It is so encouraging to be surrounded by passionate support all striving for a common goal - A CURE! And as I have said before, I hope that this was our last ride because I desperately hope that this is the year we cure FA!!

Thank you all again for a super successful event. Team Kendall wouldn't exist without you.

All my love,


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